This post replaces the one that was lost. Amazing to find it. I was in my little self about it for a bit, but no more. This is the first post about Sparkle.
I haven't written in this blog for several years. Life has taken a different course. Very different.
This new year, I would like to manifest something I've been brewing for quite awhile. I'm interested in making an altered book, an informal book, maybe a prototype, and the subject is SPARKLE, how to know when you've got it, how you lose it and how to get it back.
This blog will be more interactive. I'm interested in how this works for you. Maybe you wonder what SPARKLE is. I think it covers what you are feeling when you're feeling your best, when you surprise yourself about how excited you are about what you're doing, life, and how that differs from the way you feel the rest of the time. Maybe you call it something else.
If you are still out there at your old email address and you would like to join me on this journey, please respond. OR if you rather, contact me at